Friday, July 29, 2011

Rome. Day Two.

The Forum. Palatine Hill. The Pantheon. Trevi Fountain. Mix those with friendly locals, street performers, excellent food, copious amounts of gelato, sunshine, and great friends, and you have my second day in Rome.

Roman ruins on the Palatine Hill.

Cool tree!

Roman amphorae.

A much-abused statue.

Cool marble.

This statue's mouth creeped me out.

Even considering any restoration work that may have been done, this is incredible.

More ruins. Looking at these makes me want to go back.

This is so cool.

Colosseum in the distance.

Some parts of the ruins are older than others.

If only I could have been here 1900 years ago.

Close-up of an arch in the Forum.

Trajan's Column.

The ruins of the Roman Forum.

After exploring the Forum and Palatine Hill, we ate at this cool restaurant with a vine-covered roof.

The Pantheon.

Open to the elements.

Inside the Pantheon.

More Pantheon.

We stopped at a cafe right outside the Pantheon, and were entertained by this talented trio. They played renditions of Gardel's "Por Una Cabeza", Mansell's "Lux Aeterna", and Pachelbel's "Canon in D", among other things.

Cool building.

Trevi Fountain.

The sea of humanity in front of the fountain.

Trevi Fountain, side view.

I don't know what this is, I just thought it looked good.

Trevi Fountain at night. Beautiful.

Trajan's Column. Again.

This is a very cool city to see at night.

Random projection on the side of some building.

The Colosseum at night. Don't mind the weird blur at the bottom of the picture, I have no idea what that is.

On to day three. Keep reading!


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