Friday, July 1, 2011

Delays and Watches

Greetings from Amsterdam!

Well, it was quite the journey getting here. After my mom broke down while seeing me off, I quickly learned that my flight out of Detroit was delayed for two hours because of some technical problems. So I decided to use the time wisely, and search for a cheap watch, seeing as how, without my cell phone, I had no way of keeping track of time. But I soon learned that finding a cheap watch in an airport is next to impossible. Literally. I looked in every single open store, and could not find one for under $70. I could buy as many ear buds and shot glasses as I wanted, but a cheap watch was nowhere to be seen.

Because my flight was delayed, I missed my connecting flight from Amsterdam to Brussels, so I was forced to undergo a complex rebooking process when I arrived at Amsterdam which, though endlessly frustrating, ultimately resulted in me receiving an ‘amenity coupon’ which I then used to purchase my first legal beer ever. So it ended up being a win-win scenario for everyone.

Alright, well I’m running short on free internet time, so I’m going to cut this post short. Thanks to all of my followers- I’m up to seven already! You guys are great. I’ll update more when I can.



  1. WOW! Did you make it to Belgium? (Didn't I tell you to look at CVS or Target for that watch, LOL?!) BTW, Kelsey's flight out of Miami was also delayed by a few hours-THEN a huge thunderstorm rolled in... go figure. She boarded her flight about 2 hours late and hopefully landed a short time ago! This is more than one mother can take. :) I am glad you are in good spirits (not so sure about the drinking of spirits LOL!) Love you!

  2. You would spend your amenity coupon on booze. I'm proud of you.
