Thursday, June 30, 2011

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Hello and welcome to my travel blog! This is a page where I can keep my friends and family updated as I travel around the world to study, experience different cultures, and have an all around great time.

I thought a good way to start off this blog would be to provide a short summary of just exactly what I’ll be doing, where I’ll be going, and when I’ll be going there. For those of you who don’t know, I’ll be taking three separate trips this summer/fall. They are as follows:

  • A trip to Belgium for the month of July, where I’ll be taking classes and visiting Brussels, The Hague, Amsterdam, Rome, Paris, and the Normandy Coast, in that order.

  • Then in August I’ll head over to Nuremburg, Germany, where I’ll stay with a host family and spend two weeks learning about and enjoying German culture.

  • Finally, at the end of August I leave for Israel, where I’ll be enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for the fall semester.

In short, I’ll be more or less out of the country from July 2011 to January 2012 (I’ll be back in the States for roughly a week in August to get a student visa for Israel), which is about six months. I’ll be abroad for Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, not to mention my dog’s 8th birthday (October 16).

Well, I leave for the airport in about two and a half hours, so I better start packing. Thanks for reading, and check back soon!
